Although is not a novelty in the world of Medal, 1936 has the Capture the Flag (CTF) mode already running. Due to
using the Spearhead engine, this mode is completely integrated in the game; itīs not the case of older versions for Allied
Assault, where the integration for this mode was not so tight.
The new CTF engine is an evolution of the one freely distributed by Ravir, despite the 90% of the code has been redesigned
and includes the optimizations for Spearhead. The game modes included into the Ravir Toolset has been substituted for
a traditional mode: each flag has now its own value depending the difficulty to get it. If one side gets all the
flags in the map they will win that round, while if no one owns them at the end of the round the victory will be
for that side which has more frags.
On 1936, the long established holders of Spain's economic power, led by the Army and supported by the Church, believed
they were at the point of being overwhelmed. They supposed they should initiate a counterrevolution or be crushed by a revolution.
On the 18th of July, 1936, the two Spains set out to settle their differences on the field of battle: the Spanish Civil War
had begun.
1936 is the first mod portraying the Spanish Civil War from a first-person point of view. You'll be able
to play either the republican forces or the rebel side, and fight the most important battles on the 1936/39 war.

MOHAA Civil War
Mohaa junglewarfare
Mohaa AssaultOnIraq
MoH Breakthrough
MOHAA 1936!
Mohaa Swat Mod
Mohaa Operation Marketgarden
Hell in the Pacific