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A ) You click to bring up " Mods &  Game Types "
             Here you can choose to pick a type of game you are looking to play so that only that type will show up on your Gamespy List. You can click "ALL" and have all the servers show. Also you have a option to click "Server in Your own Country ".Remember you want to Play in a Room that is Low Ping to you.
B) This is Where the " Mods & Games Types " Folder opens up.
C) You click on a room on your Gamespy List and then it will High lite that room and then you can click here to" Join ".Or Just Double Click the room to Join.
D) Click here to " Refresh your Server List "
E) " Game Info " You click this and it will give you information on the game you are in . It will Give you the list of the Lastest Patches and Short Movies.It will tell you a little about the game and also your System Requirements.
F) " Cancel " If you hit Refresh you can click the " Cancel " to stop the Refresh.
G) Click the " * " to see your Buddy List.
H) This is where your " Private Chat " would show. So you can talk to somebody one on one. [  will have another picture showing what it looks like later on this page.
I) This is where you have the names of the rooms. You can click it to put rooms in order by names.
J) This tells you how many players are in the room. the second number tells you how many players the room can handle. You can click this and  it will give you the room that have the most players in them or click it again .It will put the rooms that are empty at top
K) This tells you the average PING in the room. The Lower the Ping is to you the better. Click this and it will put all the Low PINGS on TOP. Click it again and it will put all the highest pings at top. NOTE: I have it so all the low PING Rooms are at top and I choose from there.
L) This tells you what Game they are playing. Like if its a Team match or a Objective game. You can click this and put all the same games together. So Like if you are looking for only objective games. you can have all the objective games together.
M) This Tells you what map they are playing. " obj/obj_team  / dm/mohdm "are stock maps. If you see something else. Its a Moded Map. Like " obj/renan " is a mod map.
N) Servers in My Country only. If it is check you will only see servers in your country. If uncheck you will get servers from all over. Leave it unchecked. you will have alot more servers to choose from.
O) This gives you a list of people online in that room.Top of the list will be plays talking in chat now. Right click there name to get players info, to private chat,add them to your Player spy list "buddies list". Click so you can see only people you want to see in chat " solo players message".click to Hide players that are spaming or just being trouble makers.
P) Where you type to talk in chat. click your enter buton to send message to chat.
Q) The Name of the person chatting.
R) the messages people sent.
S) List of games you have on gamespy.
1) GAMESPY ; Here you can update your profile and scan for new games on your computer and so on.
2) GAME ; "Server List Option" Here you can refresh games. sort  servers by either haveing the rooms with your buddies at top, last rooms you where in at top,your favorite rooms at top.
5) PLAYERSPY ; Find players, remover players,message,invite get info from players.Send Files,you can only send files if your a payed member of gamespy.
6) LINKS ; gamespy links.
7) HELP ;  go here for more help info about games and gamespy.

Enter content here

Click on the "Game Info" button at the top of your screen for the latest information
 on patches, add-on files, interviews, strategy guides and more!  It`s all there!

Using Arcade's Client Side Filtering FOR SERVERS..

   Full Admins: The highest of the high, full admins possess the almighty
 power to ban an abusive user, and are on hand to keep the peace in Arcade,
 as well as answer questions and assist Arcade users in distress. Respect their authority!

   Helpers: The most common form of admin, Helpers appear all over Arcade, directing traffic,
 answering questions, and just generally servings as jacks of all trades. If you're having
 an Arcade emergency, Helpers will usually be the firston the scene. They won't ban you -- but
 they can easily summon the power of a full admin if need be.

   The Admins will remove any player that refuses to heed warnings or follow the chat guidelines,
 in order to protect the quality of experience that other players expect to enjoy while using

 14. I am in the lobby for a game I have installed, but am not seeing a list of any servers
 that I can join. What's wrong?

   15. I am using Windows XP, and all of the links in Arcade are black --or -- I don't see
 any links in Arcade at all.

  Some guy is harassing players in the room! What do I do about this?
 Please report any violations of our chat room code of conduct to
 Please include the offensive player's Arcade user name and the game room in which you
 witnessed the abuse.




MOHAA Civil War

Mohaa junglewarfare

Mohaa AssaultOnIraq

MoH Breakthrough

MOHAA 1936!

Mohaa Swat Mod

Mohaa Operation Marketgarden

Hell in the Pacific