RogueSpear info
Step 1 Take a copy of the "boundkey.txt"
file from your "\Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Rogue Spear" folder and
put it in a safe place. Step 2 All of the sounds you can use are stored in the folder \Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Rogue Spear\data\sounds\english, write down
the names of the soundfiles you want to use. For this example I will add the message which says "Come with me" using wave
file re_come.wav and will attach it to key 1 Step 3 Using a text editor like, Notepad ,open up the following file \Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Rogue Spear\boundkey.txt Step 4 If you want to change the text associated with your added message then change the
text between the quotation symbols to the right of BOUND_KEY_MESSAGE_0 if its for key 0, use BOUND_KEY_MESSAGE_1 if its for
key 1 and so forth all the way up to 9 Change From this <FORM method=post> <TEXTAREA name=S1 rows=6 cols=70>// BOUND KEY MESSAGES BOUND_KEY_MESSAGE_0
"0" BOUND_KEY_MESSAGE_1 "Come with me" BOUND_KEY_MESSAGE_2 "2" BOUND_KEY_MESSAGE_3 "3"</TEXTAREA> </FORM> Step 5 Now the .wav file needs to be associated with this key by changing the file in
quotaion marks to the right of the text BOUND_KEY_SOUND_FILE_1 Change From This <FORM method=post> <TEXTAREA name=S1 rows=6 cols=70>// BOUND KEY SOUND FILES BOUND_KEY_SOUND_FILE_0
"none.wav" BOUND_KEY_SOUND_FILE_1 "none.wav" BOUND_KEY_SOUND_FILE_2 "none.wav" BOUND_KEY_SOUND_FILE_3 "none.wav"</TEXTAREA> </FORM> To this <FORM method=post> <TEXTAREA name=S1 rows=6 cols=70>// BOUND KEY SOUND FILES BOUND_KEY_SOUND_FILE_0
"none.wav" BOUND_KEY_SOUND_FILE_1 "re_come.wav" BOUND_KEY_SOUND_FILE_2 "none.wav" BOUND_KEY_SOUND_FILE_3 "none.wav"</TEXTAREA> </FORM> Step 6 Save your changes. Your message will only be played in multiplayer mode. To play
it during a game hold down the right alt key and the corresponding keyboard number. Step 7 If you experience problems then replace the boundkey.txt file
with the copy you made in step 1 (YOU DID MAKE A COPY DIDN'T
YOU). |
Step 1 Take a copy of the "primary.itm" file from your "\Program Files\Red Storm
Entertainment\Rogue Spear\data\kit" folder and put it in a safe place. Step 2 Using a text editor like, Notepad, open
up the following file \Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Rogue Spear\data\kit\primary.itm Step 3 I will be modifying the AK-47 to use 20 clips and to be available in single
player mode (default is multiplayer only), so I will find the the following text in the file :- <FORM method=post> <TEXTAREA name=S1 rows=16 cols=72>// ---------------------------------
// Assault Rifles // --------------------------------- // 10 "ST_EQP_AK47" "tw_ak47.txt" // Description Filename "ak47.bmp"
// Picture Filename 1 // Number of Frames "tw_ak47.wpn" // Weapon Filename 4 // Number of Magazines 2 // Game Type (0=All,
1=SP, 2=MP) 2 // Number of Ammo Types "762x39(FMJ).amo" // Ammo Type Filename "762x39(JHP).amo" // Ammo Type Filename</TEXTAREA> </FORM> and change the amount shown the the left of the line //
Number of Magazines from 4 to 20 and then to get the AK-47 to
be selected in singleplayer change the number to the left of // Game Type from 2
to 0 so that it now looks like this :- <FORM method=post> <TEXTAREA name=S1 rows=16 cols=72>// ---------------------------------
// Assault Rifles // --------------------------------- // 10 "ST_EQP_AK47" "tw_ak47.txt" // Description Filename "ak47.bmp"
// Picture Filename 1 // Number of Frames "tw_ak47.wpn" // Weapon Filename 20 // Number of Magazines 0 // Game Type (0=All,
1=SP, 2=MP) 2 // Number of Ammo Types "762x39(FMJ).amo" // Ammo Type Filename "762x39(JHP).amo" // Ammo Type Filename</TEXTAREA> </FORM> Step 4 Save your primary.itm file, if it says that the
file is read only you will have to uncheck the read only properties. Step 5 When you start up Rogue Spear not only can you now use the AK-47 in single
player but you should now get 20 clips as default, repeat this technique for all the guns you wish to modify. Please note
if you are hosting a multiplayer game all players will use your modified settings for the duration of the game. Step 6 If you experience problems then replace the primary.itm
file with the copy you made in step 1, (YOU DID MAKE A COPY DIDN'T
YOU). Playing Custom Multiplayer Missions as Singleplayer Training Missions
*** if you only want to add GekkesImpossibleMissions
<> to the standard list and you dont have any other custom missions installed then you can download my mission.lst
file GIMV114EXTRA <> . Once you've downloaded it simply UNZIP it and overwrite the mission.lst
file in your "\Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Rogue Spear\data\mission" with the one contained
in this zip file. *** Step 1 Take a copy of the "mission.lst" file from your
"\Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Rogue Spear\data\mission" folder and put it in a safe place. Step 2 Using a text editor like, Notepad, open
up the following file \Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Rogue Spear\data\mission\ Step 3 Find the line which contains the text "// total missions available" and increment
the number on the left by the number of missions which you wish to add. Step 4 Find the line which contains the text "// number of tutorials in game" and increment
the number on the left by the number of missions which you wish to add. Step 5 Find the line which contains the text "// Number of Terrorist Hunt tutorial missions" and
increment the number on the left by the number of missions which you wish to add. Step 6 Copy the first 6 lines after the text "// Number of Terrorist Hunt tutorial missions" paste this block of copied
text before the text line which contains the text "// number of one-shot missions" remembering to add one copy for each mission which you are adding. ie copie this <FORM method=post> <TEXTAREA name=S1 rows=6 cols=70>"m00_killhousedbl.tht"
"m00_killhousedbltht.brf" "" "test.spl" "dk_recon01.kit" "dk_assault01.kit" "dk_demo01.kit" "dk_elec01.kit" "dk_sniper01.kit"</TEXTAREA> </FORM> *** if you only want to add GekkesImpossibleMissions then you can download
this file GekkesMissionAddin <> and paste its contents in the above noted place instead and then jump to
Step 8*** Step 7 In the first copied block replace the text "m00_killhousedbl.tht" with the name of the mission which you are adding
e.g. "GekkesSiberiaAgain.mis" , Replace the second line text "m00_killhousedbltht.brf"
with "rm13tht.brf" this will attach the M13 - Terroristhunt briefing when you play this mission. Replace the forth line text
"test.spl" with "rm13.spl"Repeat this process for all the missions which you are adding. the above copied text lines would now look like this <FORM method=post> <TEXTAREA name=S2 rows=6 cols=70>"GekkesSiberiaAgain.mis"
"rm13tht.brf" "" "rm13.spl" "dk_recon01.kit" "dk_assault01.kit" "dk_demo01.kit" "dk_elec01.kit" "dk_sniper01.kit"</TEXTAREA> </FORM> Step 8 Save your mission.lst file, if it says that the file is read only you will
have to uncheck the read only properties. Step 9 Start up Rogue Spear, select Training and then chose Terrorist hunt, you
should now see your added mission at the end of the list, in our example it will be called M13 - Terrorist hunt. Step 10 If you experience problems then replace the mission.lst
file with the copy you made in step 1 (YOU DID MAKE A COPY DIDN'T
Step 1 Take a copy of the "special.itm" file from your
"\Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Rogue Spear\data\kit" folder and put it in a
safe place. Step 2 Using a text editor like, Notepad, open up the following file \Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Rogue Spear\data\kit\special.itm Step 3 Find the the following text in the file :- <FORM method=post> <TEXTAREA name=S1 rows=8 cols=70>// 4 "ST_EQP_FRAG_GRENADE" "ex_frag.txt" // Description Filename "grenade.bmp"
// Picture Filename 1 // Number of Frames "frag.eq" // Weapon Filename 3 // Quantity 0 // Game Type (0=All, 1=SP, 2=MP) </TEXTAREA> </FORM> and change the amount shown the the left of the line // Quantity from 3
to 20 like this :- <FORM method=post> <TEXTAREA name=S1 rows=8 cols=70>// 4 "ST_EQP_FRAG_GRENADE" "ex_frag.txt" // Description Filename "grenade.bmp"
// Picture Filename 1 // Number of Frames "frag.eq" // Weapon Filename 20 // Quantity 0 // Game Type (0=All, 1=SP, 2=MP) </TEXTAREA> </FORM> Step 4 Save your special.itm file, if it says that the file is read only you will have
to uncheck the read only properties. Step 5 When you start up Rogue Spear you should now get 20 frags per slot, you can also use this technique to get
20 smoke bombs or 5 lockpick kits etc. Please note if you are hosting a multiplayer game all players will use your modified
settings for the duration of the game. Step 6 If you experience problems then replace the special.itm file with the copy you
made in step 1, (YOU DID MAKE A COPY DIDN'T YOU).